You know that popcorn is a popular snack, but what you may not know is that it’s also a healthy one. Contrary to popular belief, popcorn is actually low in calories and high in nutrients. In fact, it’s even been called a “superfood.” This is one of the reasons some people and organisations buy popcorn wholesale in Singapore; as a healthier snack, it can satisfy one’s munch cravings in the same way chips do.
Buying popcorn wholesale in Singapore has become a goal of some people, especially those who are promoting healthier snack alternatives, given their nutritional value.
Popcorn is a good source of fibre, protein, and antioxidants, and it can be topped with nutrient-rich ingredients like nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. So yes, if you’re looking for a snack, reach for some popcorn instead of junk food. You’ll be doing your body a favour!
Whole-grain value
Popcorn is a whole grain, which refers to the seeds of plants that include barley, millet and oats. Unlike refined grains such as rice or wheat, popcorn kernels retain their bran layers in addition with germ during processing making them more nutritious than those who have been stripped away for your convenience store aisle snacks!
Whole grains are a good source of fibre and minerals, as they contain the entire kernel. These whole-grain foods can help with weight loss by providing you feel full more quickly than processed food does.
Source of protein
You may be surprised to learn that popcorn also contains protein, with a typical serving containing just over 3 g of the 50g daily value. The body needs this essential nutrient because of how important its role can play in many different processes such like blood clotting and fluid balance; immune response among others–every cell in our bodies contains proteins making up part their structural framework together with fats called lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and vitamins.
Proteins also help build new cells from old ones by repairing worn out tissues which prevents cancerous growths from happening.
Low glycemic index (GI)
The low glycemic index (GI) popcorn may help you maintain your blood sugar levels more easily and avoid fluctuation associated with foods high in GI. Diets that contain low-GI foods can improve the glucose control for people who have type 1 or 2 diabetes, especially if their diet is lacking sufficient fibre to break down into absorbed carbohydrates before they hit the bloodstream.
Food for weight loss?
If you’re looking to eliminate some extra pounds, then air-popped popcorn may be the answer. This low-calorie snack is high in fibre and protein which can help curb cravings for sweet or salty foods while still satisfying your taste buds with flavour.
Adding butter to your popcorn can lead you into an unhealthy lifestyle. The fat in foods like this is what causes weight gain and diabetes among other things! Therefore, it is important for people who love eating popcorn at home (or even work) understand how much sodium there might be per serving before they indulge themselves with some kernels today.
The health benefits of popcorn can be lessened or negated if you add a lot of butter and salt to the snack. Butter increases saturated fat while both ingredients have been shown time after time, not only will they increase your daily caloric intake but also put you at risk of more serious health problems such as heart disease.