Online Stores To Buy High Standard And Reliable Tea

Buying tea online is easy. At least, it seems that way. There are thousands of online tea vendors. But the vast majority are average at best. Either their teas aren’t the greatest, their prices are too high, their website is not user-friendly, or any other issues. And often, it is a combination of many.

So how do you know which are the best online tea stores? Research. Lots of it. The good news is: you don’t have to do it yourself. We have done all the research for you and came up with an online place that is our favorite online tea site to shop tea from. 

There are different strengths to this site’s products. Which tea vendor is best for you will depend on your needs, stick to the write-up to get all the information before buying yourself a new pack of tea.

KINGS TEA is the online store we found when searching for good places for tea shopping. It is in one of the best tea-selling stores throughout the UK. A Brand created in the UK at the beginning of the year 2014. Has specialized in blending high-quality teas, in the international market, from Kenya, Assam, Ceylon, and Rwanda. 

The packaging of the tea involves both types; loose and tea bags. Through amazon, the tea is sold across the globe and with the help of some exporters as well. As the brand focuses on health concerns, in 2021, high quality from China was adopted and included in the list.

What to Look For When Buying Tea Online

When cutting through the digital clutter of online tea stores, it helps to have some guidelines. Here are mine.

Beware the chains. I don’t need to name names, but you know the ones I’m talking about. You see them in malls and significant tourist shopping districts. By and large, these chains don’t have quality tea. They carry more chocolate chai or lavender-lemongrass blends than straight tea.

They buy leaves in vast quantities through middlemen brokers, then add so many spices and herbs to their blends that it’s often impossible to taste the tea underneath (see here for more thoughts on flavored tea versus flavorful tea). The straight tea these chains sell tends not to be particularly significant, either. Better than tea bags, to be sure, but hardly first-rate stuff.

My favorite tea shops don’t have huge selections. That’s because the teas they sell have been picked out by the owner or some stake-holding staff member who’s visited individual tea farms. Instead, think small. 

A shop owner who flew halfway around the world to wander through the mountains, meet with farmers, and taste tea, bringing back just eight teas to sell that season, is likely a true believer in those products. That person is confident of the chosen options and wants you to love them.

By comparison, if a website’s offering you 100 types of tea from 12 countries, they’re likely buying them through brokers, not directly. But KINGS TEA is one brand that has the team taste the tea and then add that to the list if those specialized people approve the tea. 

When reading product descriptions, look for detailed reports of farmers’ methods for growing and processing their tea and evidence that company buyers have seen the tea fields with their own eyes and have a good relationship with their farmers.