How to Choose the Best Restaurant Hood Suppression System

If you own or manage a restaurant business, equipping your kitchen with the proper safety facilities is a must. As kitchen fires are a common incident, you should never forget to tick off restaurant hood installation from your checklist.

By The Numbers: Figures You Need to Know

According to the National Fire Protection Association, restaurant fires cost annual property damage worth $165 million.

Between 2010 and 2014, around 7,400 cases of fire emergencies that took place in food establishments were reported to fire departments across the country. Of these cases, cooking is said to be the primary cause at 61 percent. If further break out this figure, 21 percent involved deep fryers, 14 percent cooking rangers, 6 percent cooking grills, and 5 percent ovens.

If we will delve deeper into the picture, cooking fires are commonly caused by unclean facilities (22 percent), electrical failure (14 percent), mechanical failure (12 percent), and unattended cooking equipment (8 percent).

Hood Suppression System: How Do They Work

Restaurant hood installation is something that reaps a number of benefits. Such fire suppression system is specifically designed to protect a wide range of restaurant kitchen gear.

This system’s nozzles are installed in the hood exhaust for them to be able to optimally suppress the fire source. Once fire is detected, these nozzles will release wet chemicals, which are substances that help put out restaurant fires as quickly as possible — they do so by depriving the fire with the oxygen it needs for it to stay alive and spread out. This system also aids in cutting the gas line to the kitchen appliance to prevent fuel from well, further fueling the fire.

Choosing the Best Hood Suppression System for You

In this section, we’re giving out five tried and tested tips on how to pick the most effective hood suppression system for your restaurant:

Consider your space and equipment. Restaurant hood installation is significantly dependent on your kitchen layout, as well as the appliances that are in it. When buying a suppression system, makes sure it fits well with your space and is capable of providing proper ventilation to your equipment.

Choose the proper extinguishant. There are different types of extinguishant designed to put out different types of fire. If you own a restaurant, keep in mind that your fire suppression system is actually loaded with the substance appropriate for kitchen fires, especially grease fires.

Take into account the ease of operation. When a fire breaks out, the extent of its damage can sometimes quickly spread. This is why fire suppression systems should be easily operated for them to also quickly put out the fire and subsequently deliver results.

Be knowledgeable about its maintenance procedures. You should also clarify with your supplier as to how the system should be cleaned and maintained. As it is a vital investment related to your business, you should see to it that they’re still in working condition to help prolong their life.

Make sure the system is compliant with the laws. Besides check g if the supplier itself is reliable, you must do your homework and examine if the systems they are installing comply with all the laws about fire protection.

For restaurant hood installation, contact Westminster Fire Extinguisher Service Service today. We supply hood systems that automatically turn on to protect your most important assets in the kitchen.